Rijksoverheid Cookie Opt-in module released on Drupal.org
We recently released a first development version of the Rijksoverheid Cookie Opt-in module on Drupal.org.
Cookie laws in the EU and the Netherlands
This year all over Europe cookie laws came into effect. Where the EU cookie law is satisfied when visitors of a website are informed and give implicit consent to use cookies, the Dutch cookie law takes it a step further and demands explicit consent to use cookies and logging of the approvals. This means that the cookie law modules that were already available on drupal.org (EU Cookie Compliance and Cookie Control) do not suffice for Dutch websites. Furthermore patches supplied by us on the first module are still pending in the issue queue (at the time of writing) and the latter module actually uses a third pary service from Civic UK.
Solution by the Dutch government
The Dutch government has released a standard (JavaScript-based) solution that complies with the Dutch cookie law. The Rijksoverheid Cookie Opt-in solution may be used by government as well as non-government organisations under the conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0). We recently created the Rijksoverheid Cookie Opt-in project on Drupal.org that provides a module that integrates the Rijksoverheid Cookie Opt-in library with Drupal. See the project page on drupal.org for more information.