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Daniel Menno Smidt (CC BY-SA 2.0)
Modules, Themes & More
Make all your forms in Drupal more accessible. The module disables HTML5 form validation and provides readable inline error messages for screen readers instead.
This module is the official Drupal module for integration with SaaS Media Management Software – Cocoon (external link).
This module provides integration with Revue, an editorial newsletter tool (external link) for writers and publishers. The module enables site builders to place a subscription form block where visitors can subscribe to their Revue newsletter.
The Contact Block module provides contact forms in a block. It uses contact forms created with the Drupal 8 core Contact module.
Webform Config Ignore provides a no-setup way to prevent production changes of webforms being overwritten on deployments, while still allowing the import of new webforms.
Makes it easy for developers to create re-usable elements to display content on the site. Leverages the Drupal 8 plugin pattern.
Allows visitors to view lists of popular content. It provides a mechanism by which frequently visited content gets energised. While lesser visited content looses its energy over time, like in radioactive decay.
Allows Drupal 8 themers to build their templates more efficiently. It gives them more control over the output without drilling deep into nested variables or writing PHP code.
Makes maintaining interface translations by site builders easy. Automatically imports translations from the Drupal community translation server to your Drupal site.
The Smart Entity Reference Selection (sers) module provides a selection plugin for entity reference autocomplete fields. It adds smart filtering functionality to the form field
The Video Embed Field Thumbnail Ajax module lets you have an extra option in the video embed field display to show the thumbnail as clickable item to go to the embedded video.
LeadBoxer (external link) turns anonymous web traffic into big sales. This module integrates the tracking software with Drupal.
Baris once started with the development of the Google Fonts module, but now he merged forces with the maintainer of the @font-your-face module. This module is now being used by over 25.000 sites.
Gives site administrators the option to specify case-formatting on the terms within a vocabulary. It prevents users to use different cases on terms.
We contributed patches, comments or reviews on over 100 Drupal core issues (Drupal 6/7/8).
Read Only Mode provides an better alternative to the built in Maintenance Mode in Drupal. With this module enabled, content is still accessible, but it cannot be changed anymore.
The TranslateThis Button (external link) is a lightweight Javascript translation widget that translates any page quickly using Ajax and the Google Language API.
Makes the Menu Settings required on specific content types. It forces nodes to be included in the menu system by reming the 'Add menu item' checkbox and by making the title field mandatory.
This module enables you to add Google Fonts to your site using the Google Font API. Module development has been deprecated in favor of the @font-your-face module.
The central government of the Netherlands has a standard Visual Identity that is used on every website. This branding has been translated to Drupal by Sogeti Netherlands in co-operation with LimoenGroen.
This module uses the amazing Flickr API module (external link) to provide Bean (external link) integration. With this module, users can easily create blocks that fetch Flickr images.
The Rijksvideo module can be used by Dutch governmental websites to display videos in an accessible way (with subtitles, audio captioning and transcriptions).
Ensures that the node the webform is attached to will inherit the access restrictions set to the webform.
Profile Complete Percent (PCP) is an add-on to the core Profile module or the Profile2 module. It allows administrators to select profile fields as mandatory for a user to achieve a 100% profile completeness status.
A lexicon is a stock of terms used in a particular profession, subject or style; a vocabulary. The Lexicon module generates one or more Lexicon pages based on terms in taxonomies and optionally marks terms in the content and links them to the appropriate Lexicon page.
For the Gemeentemuseum.nl (external link) website we needed Dublin Core metatags. At the time, the Meta Tags module (external link) didn't support this, so we submitted a patch to add this (which is accepted).
This module integrates the standard Rijksoverheid Cookie Opt-in solution with Drupal to comply with this information requirement.
The module adds an image field to all Commons node types (that use hook_commons_entity_integration()). It supports an insert button by default to let users insert the image in the WYSIWYG interface or the plupload library.
The module adds support to use hashtags in textfields in Drupal Commons. The module turns each word with a hash (#) in front into a topic, adds it to the Topics field, and links the word to the topic.
This modules uses the ip2country module (external link) for country detection. It's add a Country language detection option which is used to redirect the user to the language of his country.
This module replaces the "Default user picture" with the user's initials. So when the used didn't upload a picture, the website displays JD for John Doe, or simply A for Admin.
Real AES is a library loader for the Defuse PHP-encryption library. It also provides partial API compatibility with the insecure AES module (via a submodule) to act as a replacement for use with other modules.
The Fast Autocomplete module provides fast IMDB-like suggestions below a text input (sarch) field. The module is pluggable with various backend services and can be extended with custom backend services.
LimoenGroen is gold sponsor at DrupalJam 2022.
LimoenGroen is gold sponsor of Drupaljam re:Boot 2021.
LimoenGroen sponsored Frontend United 2019 and two of their team members were part of the core team of volunteers who organized the event.
LimoenGroen sponsored Frontend United and 3 of their team members were part of the core team of volunteers who organized the event.
LimoenGroen is Gold sponsor at DrupalJam 2018
LimoenGroen is Silver sponsor at DrupalJam 2017
LimoenGroen is silver sponsor at DrupalJam 2016
LimoenGroen facilitated a code sprint to improve the Drupal Rijkshuisstijl theme.
For the fourth consecutive year LimoenGroen sponsored the DrupalJam as Silver Sponsor.
LimoenGroen sponsored the social events that took place during DrupalCon Amsterdam (BBQ, Pub Crawl, Boat Tour, etcetera).
LimoenGroen is sponsor of the Drupal Training Day.
Again LimoenGroen is proud to be silver sponsor of the DrupalJam 2014.
LimoenGroen proudly sponsored DrupalJam 2013 as Silver Sponsor.
LimoenGroen proudly sponsored DrupalJam 2012 as Silver Sponsor.